Everything around us seems to be built on the premise of a linear, go, go, go, push forward kind of thinking, but after years of writing, and some bad years of not writing, I really don’t think that’s helpful. At least to me.
I need a way of writing that is more of a rhythm, one that allows for ebbs and flows. I think it will be kinder to the creator, and also more process orientated (rather than outcome orientated).
So. Being moon mad in pretty much every other department (life, exercise, goals, general sky gazing) I’ve decided to apply the same cycle to my own writing practice.
I will be starting a new writing project on the next new moon. That’s Friday 12 Feb, 2021.
(Oddly enough, that date is also the Chinese New Year. Feels lucky, if you ask me.)
Is there something you’ve always wanted to write? Or, have you always wanted to write and just don’t know the thing?
Either way …
Why don’t you join me?
I’ll be posting at each stage of the cycle — a guide map to those couple of days. To be notified of new posts, subscribe below, or follow me on Instagram.
I don’t want to spend all day explaining — it’ll become clear as we go along. Just consider yourself invited :)
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