I have a theory that if someone visits the About page it’s because they want to know what you’re like, so here goes.
I respect people who are building, making, doing and trying to improve things. I don’t respect the pursuit of power without skin in the game.
I write to learn. I’m a trier, but before that I’m a procrastinator.
I try hardest of all as a mum. I definitely mess up with my daughters sometimes, but I always apologise and that seems to go a long way.
I feel most at home in the sea. I will never get tired of the moon.
I appreciate manners, a sense of humour and people who do the work.
I think we all make mistakes. Maybe you won’t admit to them. Maybe you won’t forgive yourself for them. Neither of those strategies helps your long game.
I have had run-ins with depression since my late teens, but I’d like to never meet it again. I love the smell of sunshine and storms. I also love dancing, and I used to feel like a loser because most of the time I just danced alone in my room, but now I think it’s good to know how to have a private party.
For the first 8 years of my life, I moved 8 times, and went to 5 different primary schools, going between my mum & dad, my grandmother, my dad, and then my mum – sometimes with my brother, sometimes not.
After that, I grew up here.

My mum’s farm near Rockhampton, Central Queensland. If there wasn’t a drought, the roof was leaking, but there was an abundance of freedom. I grew up riding horses and motorbikes, well acquainted with casual risk taking. The sky is very big there.

I went to a small country school where you didn’t have to wear shoes if you didn’t want to. There were six kids in my grade. As someone who was state-schooled and raised in a regional area by a single parent, I am a living example of the benefits of opportunity and access, and a strong believer in quality education for all.
Mum is still farming and will never quit. I go home to see her every school holidays with my kids. That’s her below.

The rest of the time you’ll find me on Sydney’s northern beaches.
I have a masters degree in economics that I use sparingly. I also got halfway to qualifying as a chef, and was a personal trainer. My husband is a professional football coach, but, like me, zigged before he zagged. Personally, I’d like him to coach me a bit more, but he says he’s never been able to tell me what to do. While we were zigging, we travelled around Australia together in a troop carrier called Tony Adams, and that was when I started writing.
I surf most days. I love it. I am a member of the infamous North Narrabeen Boardriders’ Club, and an occasional contributor at White Horses surf magazine.

Pic by Michael Kellerman