Phase 5: Full Moon


This phase is about transition. Time to take stock and clear the decks.

I have to start with an apology. I said that this Moon Writing Cycle would be a loose affair, and I was right — I completely forgot to post on the Waxing Gibbous phase! So if you are collecting these writing phases like trading cards, you’ll notice you’re missing Phase 4. I’ll rectify that the next time around. 

Because we can’t stop now and go back for it, we’ve reached the FULL MOON. Well done on working so hard! If you haven’t worked as hard as you would have liked, or you became distracted on the way, please don’t worry. Nothing is unsalvageable. That’s the beautiful thing about moon cycles. You get the chance to try again. 

As to what this phase is about, well … I live near the sea and I surf too much. My life is tidal. I think that’s why writing by the moon makes a lot of sense to me. I like to think of this moon phase as the weirdly tense transition that takes place between the incoming tide and the outgoing tide. 

The waxing part of the cycle is an incoming tide (the part we’ve just completed — Phases 1 to 4). A push of ideas and words. And we’re about to embark on the waning part of the cycle.  

But this phase right now, the full moon, is the in-between. It’s high energy and possibly frustrating. The wheel is making whirring sounds, but not actually turning. Get me?

You might be feeling revved up. Maybe you’re not sleeping very well. If you’re like me, you’re feeling incredibly impatient with yourself. In the new moon phase, your project was a priority, never far from your thoughts. But since then, life has come charging back in. There are many other things that need your attention. 

And that is okay. 

Go do them. 

But don’t neglect your project altogether. Think of this phase as a timeout, where you take stock of what you now know; what you’ve learned about the story you’re undertaking. 

In my case, what I’ve learned is a biggie. It’s kind of freaked me out, to be honest. I thought I was writing something middle grade. But after a discussion with my youngest, I now realise that I’m writing something adult. And that’s not all. It’s the missing part of an adult story that I was already working on. The themes, the characters even, will make that adult story richer. 

So, yeah … I’m a bit thrown. 

I need to absorb what that all means, and it won’t be quick. However, I can use pent-up energy to get rid of the To Do list. That way, slow work on my project won’t get me down. I’ll be moving ahead in other areas. 

Right. Enough from me. Hopefully there was something above that spoke to your own experience. More soon.  

Onward! (By being still and patient in this case :)






