Look, I don’t often say much about writing, mainly because there’s already a lot of good stuff out there, said by much more experienced and far more articulate people than me.
HOWEVER, I recently answered some questions from a charming guy called Broede Carmody (you can check out the full interview here …) And because this is National Novel Writing Month, and you may be needing some inspiration, and because I have been meaning to have at least one entry on this subject, here is an extract:
BC: Lastly, if you had the ability to implant a recording of your voice within the head of every young, aspiring writer, what would you say?
KE: Look, I was going to say work hard, and don’t beat yourself up when it’s not perfect. But I can be a terrible slacker, and I get crippled by the fact that my attempts are crap. So I don’t know. Maybe the most important thing is to keep returning to it. This will be easier if you write about the thing that’s gotten under your skin; people, places and situations that fascinate you; the things that you want to hold on to; the things you need to let go of. Write, write and write. Keep a journal of your process so that when doubt bites you next time around, you’ll have proof that you’ve gotten through it before. Don’t give up: success can mean a lot of different things, and failure can be the making of you. Although it doesn’t matter what other people think, the right ones will tell you to get back to work, so listen to them. Make writing your Plan A. Forget Plan B. And by that I don’t mean quitting your job or uni and no longer doing other things. I mean, arrange your life so that you can write. Make it your discipline. Invest in it – your time, your heart, your patience. And you will be so, so glad, because it will give you more than you ever dreamed of.
I hope this helps.