Linds at Bibliophile Brouhaha recently posted a review for Raw Blue that left me floored (in a really good way). You can check it out here … This review also clarified something for me; an issue that I have struggled with since the book was first published. That being – how much detail to go into when asked to describe the book. Linds very articulately deals with this issue in her review, saying:
Carly is a survivor of rape. I don’t feel it’s possible to adequately talk about the book unless that fact is present. The fear, shame, rage and bravery Carly shows is directly related to the crime committed against her.
Bibliophile Brouhaha is fairly new on the blog scene but contains one of the most energetic round ups of what’s going on in the world of Young Adult literature and the general publishing world that I have come across. Check it out.
I was also stoked to see a review for Raw Blue up over at Spellbound By Books. I’ve been lucky enough to hang out at this blog on two occasions, once in an interview with Melissa, (which you can check out here …) and once to give my top five unsettling reads (see here …)
And great to see a review of Saltwater Vampires up at Escape in a Book. It’s lovely to know that your stories get to travel …
Finally, I just realised I had forgotten to mention this (in case you are lying awake at night wondering about it) – I will be appearing at the Somerset Writers’ Festival in March next year … Will post more details soon.
That’s probably all from me for a wee while, so Happy Christmas and Merry New Year, take fun and have care!!