Wordage shout outs!


First, a shout out to Geelong. Yes, the whole city. But in particular – all of the students who attended the panel sessions with Doug MacLeodGab Williams and me. And two extra special shout outs for the students from Oberon High – who survived a mouse; and the girls and boys from Mandarma Primary School – who have the brightest eyes I have ever seen.

Big thanks to Maryanne Hyde and the baby-twirling, Lace-loving staff of Geelong Regional Libraries. The libraries’ program is amazing. I like their Book Chat club, which is kind of like a book club but different in that you turn up and talk about whatever it is that you’re reading at the moment. Also, their strong sense that a library is a community space and definitely no longer a place in which you must be quiet.

And last, but not least – thank you to Adele, Liz and Nicole from the Centre for Youth Literature for looking after us and showing great navigational intuition. Here are some photos I’ve nicked from the CYL’s Facebook page (which you should go and ‘like’ to make up for me nicking photos):

