Marching through March (news) …


H’okay, for me this month has been all about the Somerset Celebration of Literature. A massive thank you to all the parents, volunteers, organisers, students and the other authors for making it The. Best. Time. Ever. And special thanks to my student helpers Nathalia and Kumiko!

While I was up there, I found out that Saltwater Vampires had been shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards – Ethel Turner Prize. This was The. Biggest. Surprise. Ever. (I thought they’d chuck it in the bin when they saw the ‘V’ word in the title). Congratulations to the other shortlisted authors: Michelle Cooper, Cath Crowley, Belinda Jeffrey, Melina Marchetta and Jaclyn Moriarty.

And finally, some lovely reviews have come in for Raw Blue from the States (thanks once again to Linds from Bibliophile Brouhaha who is the driving force behind a blog tour over there).

Steph Su Reads

i swim for oceans

Holes in my Brain

Books with Bite

And separate to this, a nice one from Chachic’s Book Nook in the Philippines. What a lucky story, getting to travel around like that …

